7-2 RNA (also termed RNA M and 7SM RNA) is a noncapped small RNA present in small ribonucleoprotein particles; these particles are present in the granular compartment of the nucleolus. Some sera from patients with scleroderma specifically immunoprecipitate 7-2 RNA-containing particles (Hashimoto, C., and Steitz, J. A. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 1379-1382; Reddy, R., Tan, E. M., Henning, D., Nohga, K., and Busch, H. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 1383-1386; Reimer, G., Raska, I., Scheer, U., and Tan, E.M. (1988) Exp. Cell Res. 176, 117-128). In this study, the primary sequence of Novikoff hepatoma 7-2 RNA was determined and a possible secondary structure is presented. The Novikoff hepatoma 7-2 RNA is 94% homologous to the recently described mouse mitochondrial RNase MRP RNA, suggesting that Novikoff hepatoma 7-2 RNA may be the homologue of mouse MRP RNA. The presence of 7-2 RNA in nucleoli and in mitochondria suggests that 7-2 ribonucleoproteins, in addition to being essential components of mitochondrial RNase, may also be functional in nucleolar RNA processing and ribosome biogenesis.