Copper recovery and gold enrichment from waste printed circuit boards by mediated electrochemical oxidation

J Hazard Mater. 2014 May 30:273:215-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.03.043. Epub 2014 Mar 30.


The present study aims to develop an eco-friendly chemical-electrochemical process for the simultaneous recovery of copper and separation of a gold rich residue from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs). The process was carried out by employing two different types of reactors coupled in series: a leaching reactor with a perforated rotating drum, for the dissolution of base metals and a divided electrochemical reactor for the regeneration of the leaching solution with the parallel electrowinning of copper. The process performances were evaluated on the basis of the dissolution efficiency, current efficiency and specific energy consumptions. Finally a process scale up was realized taking into consideration the optimal values of the operating parameters. The laboratory scale leaching plant allowed the recovery of a high purity copper deposit (99.04wt.%) at a current efficiency of 63.84% and specific energy consumption of 1.75kWh/kg cooper. The gold concentration in the remained solid residue was 25 times higher than the gold concentration in the initial WPCB samples.

Keywords: Eco-friendly process; Metal electrodeposition; Metal leaching; Recycling-technology; Waste printed circuit boards.

MeSH terms

  • Chlorides / chemistry
  • Computers*
  • Copper / chemistry*
  • Electrochemical Techniques
  • Electronic Waste*
  • Ferric Compounds / chemistry
  • Gold / chemistry*
  • Oxidation-Reduction
  • Recycling / methods*


  • Chlorides
  • Ferric Compounds
  • Gold
  • Copper
  • ferric chloride