Within the EU MULTIBIODOSE project, the automated micronucleus (MN) assay was optimised for population triage in large-scale radiological emergencies. For MN scoring, two approaches were applied using the Metafer4 platform (MetaSystems, Germany): fully automated scoring and semi-automated scoring with visual inspection of the gallery of MN-positive objects. Dose-response curves were established for acute and protracted whole-body and partial-body exposures. A database of background MN yields was set up, allowing determination of the dose detection threshold in both scoring modes. An analysis of the overdispersion of the MN frequency distribution σ(2)/µ obtained by semi-automated scoring showed that the value of this parameter represents a reliability check of the calculated equivalent total body dose in case the accident overexposure is a partial-body exposure. The elaborated methodology was validated in an accident training exercise. Overall, the semi-automated scoring procedure represents important added value to the automated MN assay.
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