Recent reports suggest that tidal stretches do not cause significant and sustainable dilation of constricted intact airways ex vivo. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, we aimed to map the physiological stretch-induced molecular changes related to cytoskeletal (CSK) structure and contractile force generation through integrin receptors. Using ultrasound, we measured airway constriction in isolated intact airways during 90 minutes of static transmural pressure (Ptm) of 7.5 cmH2O or dynamic variations between Ptm of 5 and 10 cmH20 mimicking breathing. Integrin and focal adhesion kinase activity increased during Ptm oscillations which was further amplified during constriction. While Ptm oscillations reduced β-actin and F-actin formation implying lower CSK stiffness, it did not affect tubulin. However, constriction was amplified when the microtubule structure was disassembled. Without constriction, α-smooth muscle actin (ASMA) level was higher and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 2 was lower during Ptm oscillations. Alternatively, during constriction, overall molecular motor activity was enhanced by Ptm oscillations, but ASMA level became lower. Thus, ASMA and motor protein levels change in opposite directions due to stretch and contraction maintaining similar airway constriction levels during static and dynamic Ptm. We conclude that physiological Ptm variations affect cellular processes in intact airways with constriction determined by the balance among contractile and CSK molecules and structure.