Morular metaplasia has been exceptionally described in the stomach. We report the formation of morules in a case of sporadic fundic gland polyposis with low grade dysplasia in a 47 year old woman that underwent total gastrectomy. The immunophenotype of the morules was CD10, CDX2, Beta-catenin nuclear positive; p63, Ki67, chromogranin, synaptophysin, Ck20 negative. The presence of morules in a neoplasm know to be associated with the disruption of wnt/β-catenin pathway is discussed. The report provides the first description of the immunophenotype of morules in the stomach and hypothesizes the biological similitude of fundic gland polyposis to other tumors characterized by morules formation and wnt/β-catenin pathway dysfunction.
Keywords: Fundic gland polyp; beta-catenin; morules.