Purpose: Recent investigations into effects of intensity or distribution of aphasia therapy have provided moderate evidence supporting intensive therapy schedules on aphasia treatment response. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of creating an intensive therapy session without extending the amount of daily time a person spends in treatment.
Method: Individuals who presented with chronic anomia poststroke (N = 8) participated in 2 weeks of a computerized, therapist-delivered, cued, picture-naming treatment. Dosing parameters for each session were 8 presentations of 50 pictures, totaling 400 teaching episodes per session.
Results: Of the 8 participants, 6 achieved significant increases from baseline on trained items after 400 teaching episodes (i.e., 1 treatment hr), and the remaining 2 participants achieved significant increases from baseline after 1200 teaching episodes (i.e., 3 treatment hr). Maintenance data from 7 of the participants indicated that 6 participants maintained significant improvement from baseline on trained items.
Conclusions: Given an intensive and saturated context, anomic individuals were surprisingly quick at relearning to produce problematic words successfully. Most participants demonstrated retention of the gains 2 months after treatment ended. The high density of teaching episodes within the treatment session (i.e., the intensive treatment schedule) may have contributed to the behavioral gains.