Caring is a key concept in nursing. A nursing practice based on caring behaviors can improve quality outcomes in health care services, such as patient satisfaction, and can also improve organizational outcomes, such as turnover rates and workers wellbeing. A widely used instrument to measure caring behaviors perceptions of both patients and nurses is the Caring Behaviors Inventory (CBI). The aim of this study is to validate the Italian translation of the 24 items version of the CBI on both patients and nurses samples. Content validity of the scale was obtained with forward-backward translation process. The scale was filled by 213 patients (response rate 88%) and 178 nurses (response rate 95%) in surgical settings and showed high reliability (Cronbach a respectively 0.94 and 0.92). The CFA showed acceptable fit indexes for the 4-factors model in the nurses sample. Moreover high response rates indicates a good level of acceptability of the scale by both patients and nurses and this result could enable a wide use of this tool for a systematic evaluation of care in clinical settings and to deepening predictors of turnover and wellbeing in nurses.