Purpose/aim: To evaluate the use of 2-0 polypropylene suture for frontal suspension in ptosis patients with poor levator function.
Materials and methods: This retrospective study included 20 eyelids of 16 patients (5 female, 11 male) with 4 mm or less levator function. The operation was considered successful when the difference between the two upper lids was ≤ 1 mm, and the upper lid covered the upper limbus by <3 mm.
Results: Median patient age was 22.94 years (2 to 59). Mean follow-up time was 18.06 months (12-29). A successful result was obtained in 14 patients (87.5%). Ptosis recurrence was observed in two patients (12.5%). Lagophthalmos with punctate epithelial keratitis and subsequent spontaneous recovery occurred during the first postoperative week in six patients (37.5%). Two patients with hypocorrection underwent revision surgery in the first postoperative week. Granuloma and material exposition at the forehead incision site observed in one patient at the postoperative fifth month were repaired by excision of the granuloma and suture reposition.
Conclusions: Polypropylene suture as a frontalis suspension material in ptosis patients with poor levator function maintained satisfactory results at follow-up. This material allows easy and repeatable eyelid height adjustment and does not obviate future eyelid procedures.
Keywords: blepharoptosis; eye lid; frontalis suspension; levator function; polypropylene; scin crease.