Background: The prevalence of acute cold injury has increased recently. Despite new research findings, these injuries and their resulting tissue damage are still not entirely understood. Especially, little is known about alteration of skin biomechanical properties.
Methods: A total of 36 acute cold contact wounds with different depths were generated on the abdomen of six Göttingen minipigs. Alteration of biomechanical properties of skin was evaluated objectively after 15 and 360 min using a Cutometer device. Biopsies for histological evaluation were taken, and the depth of injury was correlated with biomechanical properties.
Results: Calculated elasticity (Ue), firmness of skin (R0) and overall elasticity (R8) demonstrated a continuous decrease, whereas other parameters demonstrated an initial increase with increasing depth of injury 15 min after wound generation. All parameters showed an increase compared to healthy skin, 360 min after wound generation. Furthermore, an alteration of values over time was detected.
Conclusion: Alteration of biomechanical properties of skin is a function of damaged tissue structures. The presented results demonstrate a decrease of main elastic parameters with increasing depth of injury and indicate progressive tissue damage over time. Skin elasticity measurements are a valuable tool in acute cold contact injury depth assessment and may act as an influencing factor in management decisions.
Keywords: Cold injury; Cutometer; Minipig; Skin elasticity.
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