While prolonged widowhood is unusual in Senegalese society, some women living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy for ten years remained widows. Are they maintained in this situation for refusing or being unable to remarry? To understand the conditions and the reasons for this lack of "matrimonial normalization", a qualitative interview study was conducted in Dakar with 31 widows. Their living conditions are mostly marked by economic difficulties, dependence on host families, and responsibilities visà-vis their children. They refuse to remarry, regret not being able to, or wish to without success, despite the existence locally of social forms of marital union that would respond to their situation. The refusal to disclose their HIV status combined with self-stigma prevent them from improving their condition. This form of social vulnerability that remains beyond the restoration of health is ignored by public policy and HIV/AIDS community based organizations claims. It should be acknowledged and considered for defending PLWAs' rights.