Misdiagnosis of chronic pain as hysterical

NeuroRehabilitation. 1997;8(3):201-22. doi: 10.3233/NRE-1997-8307.


Chronic soft tissue pain disorders are not well understood from a pathophysiological standpoint. Psychological difficulties are common, clinical signs incompatible with conventional understanding of the nervous system are often present and these disorders usually fail to respond to medical interventions. When this constellation of factors is combined with unresolved litigation/compensation issues, it is not surprising that chronic pain disorders are often misdiagnosed as hysterical or psychological in origin. Unfortunately, this psychiatric diagnosis itself may have significant negative consequences which too often are not appreciated and can significantly increase the likelihood of treatment failure.

Keywords: Chronic pain; Conversion; DSM; Diagnosis; Fibromyalgia; Hysteria; Myofascial pain.