Comparison exercises involving (90)Y and (177)Lu were performed during 2009 and 2012, respectively, to assess the measurement capability of hospitals in the UK and Europe. The results from the measurement of a typical liquid solution of (90)Y show that only 40% of participants could measure the solution to within 5% of the certificated value and that a significant -6% bias was present due to the use of non-standard geometries for the calibration of equipment. The results from the measurement of a standard liquid solution of (177)Lu show that 81% of participants could measure to within 5% of the certificated value and in fact 65% of these results were within 2% of the certificated value, showing administered activities can be far more accurately measured for (177)Lu than for (90)Y and that (177)Lu has a far smaller geometry dependence. These studies were performed to identify specific measurement issues in the user community and to identify areas where future research should be focused. In addition to this the work allows the participants to adjust measurement practice and identify key measurement issues.
Keywords: Intercomparison; Ionisation chambers; Lu-177; Radionuclide calibrators; Y-90.
© 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.