The superior cerebellar peduncles (SCPs) are white matter tracts that serve as the major efferent pathways from the cerebellum to the thalamus. With diffusion tensor images (DTI), tractography algorithms or volumetric segmentation methods have been able to reconstruct part of the SCPs. However, when the fibers cross, the primary eigenvector (PEV) no longer represents the primary diffusion direction. Therefore, at the crossing of the left and right SCP, known as the decussation of the SCPs (dSCP), fiber tracts propagate incorrectly. To our knowledge, previous methods have not been able to segment the SCPs correctly. In this work, we explore the diffusion properties and seek to volumetrically segment the complete SCPs. The non-crossing SCPs and dSCP are modeled as different objects. A multi-object geometric deformable model is employed to define the boundaries of each piece of the SCPs, with the forces derived from diffusion properties as well as the PEV. We tested our method on a software phantom and real subjects. Results indicate that our method is able to the resolve the crossing and segment the complete SCPs with repeatability.
Keywords: Fiber crossing; GGVF; MGDM; SCP; Westin index.