Single coronary artery originating from the right aortic sinus without a left anterior descending and circumflex artery in conventional swine

Lab Anim Res. 2013 Dec;29(4):226-8. doi: 10.5625/lar.2013.29.4.226. Epub 2013 Dec 20.


Single coronary artery is a rare coronary artery anomaly. Very few previous reports of this anatomical malformation in swine have been found. A 22 kg Yorkshire X Landrace F1 crossbred castrated male swine was presented for enrollment in a coronary stent implantion study. Coronary angiography revealed a single coronary artery arising from the right aortic sinus. The right coronary artery and anomalous left coronary artery were implanted with novel coronary stents without any side effects.

Keywords: Coronary stents; coronary artery; coronary artery malformations.

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  • Case Reports