Treatment possibilities based on specific gene therapy strategies have become reality for a small number of patients with hereditary retinal dystrophies and are currently under investigation in several clinical trials worldwide. The most advanced studies are for patients suffering from mutations in the RPE65 gene. In addition, studies are ongoing for patients with disease causing mutations in the MERTK, REP1, ABCA4, or Myosin7A gene. Depending on the size of the gene copy to be transferred, two vectors are currently used in clinical trials: vectors based on adeno-associated virus (AAV) or on lentivirus (equine infectious anaemia virus, EIAV). An important aspect of current research includes the capacity to objectively measure the treatment effect in patients, since this is currently limited. This article gives an overview of the current state of specific gene therapy for hereditary retinal dystrophies.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.