Background and aim: Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with portal vein invasion or intrahepatic metastases has an unfavorable prognosis, even after curative hepatic resection. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of adjuvant hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and systemic interferon (IFN).
Patients and methods: Patients who were diagnosed as having HCC with portal vein invasion or intrahepatic metastases were included in the study (n=33). Out of these patients, 16 were treated with adjuvant therapy consisting of continuous arterial infusion of 5-FU and subcutaneous injection of IFN-α. Another 17 patients who underwent hepatic resection without adjuvant chemotherapy served as controls.
Results: The five-year cumulative survival rate was significantly higher in the adjuvant treatment group (71.1%) than in the control group (44.0%; p=0.023). The rate of patients with multiple (≥4) recurrent intrahepatic nodules was significantly lower in the adjuvant group (44.4%) than in the control group (100%; p=0.040). The development of intrahepatic recurrence within 12 months was significantly lower in the adjuvant group (33.3%) than in the control group (80.0%; p=0.040).
Conclusion: Our data suggest that this adjuvant chemotherapy can improve postoperative prognosis by reducing intrahepatic recurrence.
Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma; adjuvant chemotherapy; hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy.