Biphoton manipulation with a fiber-based pulse shaper

Opt Lett. 2013 Nov 15;38(22):4652-5. doi: 10.1364/OL.38.004652.


We demonstrate spectral shaping of entangled photons in the telecom band with a programmable, fiber-based optical filter. The fine-resolution spectral control permits implementation of length-40 Hadamard codes, through which we are able to verify frequency anticorrelation with a 20-fold increase in total counts over that permitted by the equivalent pair of monochromators at the same input flux. By programming the complex spectral transmission function corresponding to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, we also construct variations on Franson interferometers that are free from mechanical instabilities, demonstrating spectral phase independence in the slow-detector limit, in which all temporal features are unobservable. Our configuration furnishes a single, compact arrangement for manipulating telecom biphotons and characterizing their quality.