Trirhabda canadensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) responses to plant odors

J Chem Ecol. 1988 Aug;14(8):1671-86. doi: 10.1007/BF01014551.


The responses of the goldenrod leaf beetleTrirhabda canadensis to host and nonhost volatile odors were tested in a Y-tube olfactometer in the laboratory. Beetles preferred host to nonhost odors and were sensitive to concentrations of host odor. Beetles distinguished between host and nonhost volatiles of only one of the two nonhostSolidago species; host volatiles were preferred to all nonhost volatiles at the family and order levels. In other words, all nonhosts above the genus level had similar effects on beetle responses. Although the odors of most nonhosts were neutral (i.e., neither attractive nor repellent) to the beetles as tested against air, this neutrality disappeared if the odors of two or more nonhosts were added to the host odor and beetles were given a choice between this mixture and pure host odor. Given this choice, they strongly preferred pure host odor, which suggests that diversity of odors per se is unattractive to the beetles. Beetles walked rather than flew to locate their hosts in the field, and their movements suggest that they used olfactory cues to locate hosts.