Objective: To explore clinical characteristics and replantation methods of degloving injury of distal finger.
Methods: From 2004 to 2009,18 cases of 19 distal finger degloving were admitted, and included 14 males and 4 femals with an average age of 31 years old ranging from 18 to 51 years old. The distal finger degloving injury was divided into 3 types according to the different levels of degloveing digital artery and skin involving 6 fingers of type I, 10 fingers of type II, 3 fingers of type III. Among them, 3 cases of 4 fingers were failed to be replantaed due to severed injured digital artery, and 15 cases of 15 distal finger degloving injury were replanted with microsurgical technique.
Results: Among 15 patients (15 fingers) conpleted the reimplant operation, 13 fingers were survived, 2 fingers were necrosis after operation. Thirteen survived fingers were followed up from 6 to 24 months (averaged 14 months). The appearance of injured fingers and nails obtained satisfactory results. According to Chinese Hand Surgery Society Criteria for function assessment replantation, the results were excellent in 9 cases, good in 3 cases and poor in 1.
Conclusion: Replantation of distal degloving injury is effective and it should strive for replantation.