The role and source of gibberellins (GAs) involved in the development of parthenocarpic fruits of Pisum sativum L. has been investigated. Gibberellins applied to the leaf adjacent to an emasculated ovary induced parthenocarpic fruit development on intact plants. The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) had to be done within 1 d of anthesis to be fully effective and the response was concentration-dependent. Gibberellin A1 and GA3 worked equally well and GA20 was less efficient. [(3)H]Gibberellin A1 applied to the leaf accumulated in the ovary and the accumulation was related to the growth response. These experiments show that GA applied to the leaf in high enough concentration is translocated to the ovary. Emasculated ovaries on decapitated pea plants develop without application of growth hormones. When [(3)H] GA1 was applied to the leaf adjacent to the ovary a substantial amount of radioactivity accumulated in the growing shoot of intact plants. In decapitated plants, however, this radioactivity was mainly found in the ovary. There it caused growth proportional to the accumulation of CA1. Application of LAB 150978, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, to decapitated plants inhibited parthenocarpic fruit development and this inhibition was counteracted by the application of GA3 (either to the fruit, or the leaf adjacent to the ovary, or through the lower cut end of the stem). All evidence taken together supports the view that parthenocarpic pea fruit development on topped plants depends on the import of gibberellins or their precursors, probably from the vegetative aerial parts of the plant.