Improvements toward highly accurate diffraction experiments at the macromolecular micro-crystallography beamline BL-17A

J Synchrotron Radiat. 2013 Nov;20(Pt 6):938-42. doi: 10.1107/S0909049513022875. Epub 2013 Oct 8.


BL-17A is a macromolecular crystallography beamline dedicated to diffraction experiments conducted using micro-crystals and structure determination studies using a lower energy X-ray beam. In these experiments, highly accurate diffraction intensity measurements are definitively important. Since this beamline was constructed, the beamline apparatus has been improved in several ways to enable the collection of accurate diffraction data. The stability of the beam intensities at the sample position was recently improved by modifying the monochromator. The diffractometer has also been improved. A new detector table was installed to prevent distortions in the diffractometer's base during the repositioning of the diffractometer detector. A new pinhole system and an on-axis viewing system were installed to improve the X-ray beam profile at the sample position and the centering of tiny crystal samples.

Keywords: beamline; macromolecular crystallography.