Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system with an increasing incidence in females. Epidemiological data strongly implicate environmental factors acting at the population level during gestation, childhood and adulthood in the increasing incidence of MS. Several such factors are implicated in disease risk, but their causality remains unproven, while other factors remain unknown. An understanding of the risk factors acting during development is particularly limited. Animal studies could potentially bridge the gap between observational epidemiology and clinical intervention, providing not only direct evidence of causality for a given environmental agent, but also an opportunity to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. Given a rodent's short gestational and developmental period, the effects of developmental exposure can also be readily addressed. Nonetheless, studies in this area so far are few. In this review, we summarize the insights gleaned from studies that test environmental influences in animal models of MS, with a particular focus on gestational and early life exposures.
Keywords: Animal model; environmental factors; genetics; immunology; mouse; multiple sclerosis; pathogenesis; review.