The therapeutic result by tumorous site were evaluated in 76 cases of carcinoma of the colon and rectum with the confirmed presence of metastasis to the peri-aortic lymph nodes. The results revealed that significant good out-comes were noted in the relatively non-curative cases of carcinoma of the sigmoid colon, with particularly good prognosis being found in six cases with skip metastasis. There was a 26.1% (6/23) incidence of the skip metastasis in carcinoma of the sigmoid colon with the peri-aortic lymph nodes metastasis. We confirmed two lymphatic routes of the skip metastasis; one route was from the lymph nodes near the tumor to the para-aortic lymph nodes directly, and the other was from the lymph nodes near the tumor to the lymph nodes at the aortic diffract directly and finally to the para-aortic lymph nodes. In the all six cases, the peri-aortic lymph nodes metastasis occurred only in inferior site of the inferior mesenteric artery. The average number of the peri-aortic lymph nodes metastasis were as few as 1.7 in these cases. The prognosis was favorable with three of the six cases scoring a three-year survival and included a five-year survival case.