Distortion of the axis and shortening of the limbs result in multiple musculoskeletal pathologies. Rotation disorders should also be included among the disorders of the axis of the lower limb. In the case of rotational distortion, only derotation osteotomy can effectively correct torsion-associated deformations. Rotational distortion correction is accompanied by translational displacement and torsion, which results in more complex biomechanics. Using the pedobarographic platform, it is possible to evaluate static and dynamic posture and gait, percentage of body weight distribution on the lower limbs, and balance. Physiological gait and distribution of weight on the lower extremities are symmetrical. Balance is one of the determinants of proper biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. An important aspect of treatment evaluation is pedobarographic assessment of balance and body weight distribution on the lower extremities ratio. The aim of this work was to evaluate the pedobarographic assessment of body weight distribution on the lower limbs and balance in patients with derotation corticotomies using the Ilizarov method. The study examined a group of 56 patients, who underwent derotation corticotomy using the Illizarov method between 1996 and 2012 at the Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System in Wrocław. The control group consisted of 54 patients, who were treated with correctional derotation-free corticotomy using the Ilizarov. Distribution of body weight on the lower limbs and balance were assessed with the pedobarographic platform. Following derotation corticotomy, the amount of body weight placed on the operated limb by subjects from the study group averaged 47.81%, 52.19% in the case of the healthy limb. These differences were not statistically significant. The difference between the average percentage of body weight placed on the diseased and healthy limb in the study group and the controls were not found to be statistically significant. There were no statistical differences in the average length of the gravity line or in the average surface area of the center of gravity position between the study and control groups. Balanced distribution of body weight on the lower limbs was achieved following derotation corticotomies using the Ilizarov method. Derotation corticotomies performed with the Ilizarov method allow for achieving normalization of body weight distribution on the lower limbs and balance, with values similar to those resulting from Ilizarov method derotation-free osteotomy.