To assess the immunogenicity of HIB vaccines in patients in whom hepatoportoenterostomies were performed for biliary atresia, eight such children received Haemophilus influenzae type b-polyribosylribitol phosphate (HIB-PRP) vaccine and had pre- and postvaccination total serum anti-PRP antibody concentrations determined by radioimmunoassay. Preimmunization anti-PRP antibody levels ranged from less than 0.125 to 0.40 microgram/ml [geometric mean antibody titer (GMT) 0.106 microgram/ml], while postvaccination levels ranged from 0.161 to 1.192 micrograms/ml (GMT = 0.489 microgram/ml). Five children who did not achieve postimmunization anti-PRP antibody levels greater than 1.0 microgram/ml received 15 micrograms of either PRP coupled to diphtheria toxoid (PRP-D) or PRP coupled to an outer membrane protein complex of Neisseria meningitidis group B (PRP-NOMP) conjugate vaccine. Anti-PRP antibody levels 1 month after immunization with HIB conjugate vaccines ranged from 1.51 to 10.35 micrograms/ml (GMT = 3.386 micrograms/ml). Patients with extrahepatic biliary atresia and hepatoportoenterostomies who previously received the HIB-PRP vaccine should be revaccinated with PRP protein conjugate vaccines to ensure adequate protection against H. influenzae type b disease.