Introduction: Acute necrosis of the esophagus, frequently referred to as black esophagus is a rare clinical entity.
Case report: We here report a case of an acute necrosis of the esophagus secondary to hemodynamic compromise after total hip replacement. Past medical history of our 72-year-old patient was remarkable for coronary heart disease, obstructive arteriopathy of the lower limbs, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. He was referred for hematemesis and epigastric pain one day after the surgical intervention was performed. Gastric endoscopy showed necrosis of the esophagus. Treatment consisted on intravenous proton pump inhibitor, parenteral renutrition, and red blood cell transfusion. Fours days later, endoscopy found complete disappearance of necrosis.
Conclusion: Black esophagus develops in debilitated patients during hypoperfusion and stress. The outcome is usually favourable in the absence of comorbidities.
Keywords: Acute esophageal necrosis; Black esophagus; Hematemesis; Hématémèse; Nécrose aiguë de l’œsophage; Œsophage noir.
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