The ultrastructure of irradiated rabbit thyroid gland (0 Gy, as control, 4 Gy, 8 Gy, 12 Gy, 16 Gy and 20 Gy X-ray) is studied. The thyroid gland of the control group shows ultrastructural features similar to those described in other mammals. Modifications in follicular ultrastructure and interfollicular connective tissue ultrastructure as well as the presence of small thyroid follicles, probably neoformed, are found to be dose-dependent. Follicular epithelium varies from simple cuboidal to simple squamous, the latter being characteristic of the highest X-ray dose. Follicular cells show numerous cytoplasmic light vesicles and a very extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum consisting of vacuolated cisternae. Sloughed cells are present at 8 Gy. A well-developed interstitial glandular tissue consisting of extensive extracellular matrix, abundant collagen fibres and dilated, irregularly outlined capillaries are also present.