Background: Fatigue is among the most common sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Objectives: To summarize the empirical and theoretical literature on Post TBI fatigue (PTBIF) and identify some of the challenges that continue to confront clinicians, researchers and individuals with TBI.
Methods: Qualitative literature review. The epidemiology, characteristics, and correlates of PTBIF are described. Challenges in the operational definition and measurement of fatigue are discussed and the empirical literature on measurement of PTBIF and theoretical models of the potential etiology of PTBIF is summarized. Existing treatments of PTBIF and the research supporting them are reviewed. Future directions for clinical research are presented.
Results: Although PTBIF is a high incidence condition after TBI that is related to significant suffering and reduced quality of life, it remains inadequately measured and treated. Its etiology and precipitants are poorly understood and intervention research is inadequate.
Conclusion: Further research is necessary to develop psychometrically-sound objective and subjective measures of PTBIF and examine the efficacy of treatments for fatigue. Interventions shown to improve fatigue in other populations should be considered in treating PTBIF.