The present clinical and experimental study was carried out in order to evaluate efficacy of electrical stimulation of the crural muscles with the purpose of preventing postoperative venous thromboembolic complications. At the first stage by means of ultrasonographic angioscanning in apparently healthy volunteers (n=21) we evaluated the linear velocity of blood flow on the popliteal vein on the background of using myostimulation and compression bandage with various levels of pressure applied either separately or in a combination with each other. It was revealed that electrical stimulation of the crural muscles led to a 2.8-4.5-fold increase in the peck velocity of blood flow, while the compression decreased the parameters of the venous outflow both at rest and during muscular contraction. By means of theoretical calculations it was determined that an optimal compression profile for a combination with electrical stimulation is a pressure under the bandage equalling 20-40 mm Hg, providing substantial acceleration of the venous outflow with the laminary blood flow preserved. At the second stage we assessed efficacy of comprehensive prevention of venous thromboembolism with the use of electromyostimulation, the respective compression bandage and direct anticoagulants in surgical-profile patients from a high-risk group (n=90) by means of ultrasound screening of the venous system during the whole postoperative period. When myostimulation was used in the regimen of 3-5 procedures a day, the frequency of venous thrombosis amounted to 40% (n=10) and did not significantly differ from that in patients not subjected to myostimulation (25%, n=40). When myostimulation was used in the regimen of 5-10 procedures per day, the frequency of venous thrombosis turned out to be considerably lower (2.5%, n=40). A conclusion was made on efficacy of using this method in the examined group of patients.