In this study, the 3'untranslated region (3'UTR) of MHC class I chain-related gene A (MICA) were investigated in 104 healthy, unrelated Han individuals recruited from northern China, using PCR-sequencing method. Nine polymorphic sites were detected, which were in very strong linkage disequilibrium with each other .Seven different MICA 3'UTR alleles were identified, among which UTR1 predominated (0.6971),followed by UTR2 (0.2356). Twenty-one extended haplotypes incorporating the 3'UTR and MICA exons 2-5 were observed in this population. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two MICA lineages, each with multiple subsets. The 2 lineages were primarily linked to UTR1 and UTR2 in the 3'UTR, respectively. Ewens-Watterson homozygosity statistics at MICA coding and 3'UTR regions were consistent with neutral expectations. Our data provided for the first time the data of genetic variation in the 3'UTR of MICA gene in human populations. The findings are valuable for future studies of the mechanisms underlying MICA post-transcriptional regulation, and will inform studies of evolution of the MHC gene complex.
Copyright © 2013 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.