Evidence for covalence in a N-donor complex of americium(III)

Dalton Trans. 2013 Oct 21;42(39):14068-74. doi: 10.1039/c3dt50953b.


The molecular origin of the selectivity of N-donor ligands, such as alkylated bis-triazinyl pyridines (BTPs), for actinide complexation in the presence of lanthanides is still largely unclear. NMR investigations of an Am(nPrBTP)3(3+) complex with a (15)N labelled ligand showed that it exhibits large differences in (15)N chemical shift for coordinating N-atoms in comparison to both lanthanide(III) complexes and the free ligand. The temperature dependence of NMR chemical shifts observed for this complex indicates a weak paramagnetism. This fact and the observed large chemical shift for bound nitrogen atoms allow us to conclude that metal-ligand bonding in the reported Am(III) N-donor complex has a larger share of covalence than in lanthanide complexes. This may account for the observed selectivity.