Background: Oestrogen receptor 1 ( ESR1) is located in region 6q25.1 and encodes a ligand-activated transcription factor composed of several domains important for hormone binding and transcription activation. Progesterone receptor ( PGR) is located in 11q22-23 and mediates the role of progesterone interacting with different transcriptional co-regulators. ESR1 and PGR have previously been implicated in migraine susceptibility. Here, we report the results of an association study of these genes in a migraine pedigree from the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island, a population descended from a small number of Isle of Man "Bounty Mutineer" and Tahitian founders.
Methods: A significant number of molecular markers in the ESR1 (143) and PGR (43) genes were evaluated in a sample of 285 related individuals (135 males; 150 females). A pedigree-based analysis in the GenABEL package was used to analyse the results.
Results and conclusions: A total of 10 markers in the ESR1 gene showed association with migraine ( P < 0.05) in the Norfolk Island population. No association was detected with PGR . Three haplotypes in ESR1 were found to be associated with migraine ( P = 0.004, 0.03, 0.005). Future genetic studies in larger populations and expression analysis are required to clarify the role of ESR1 in migraine susceptibility.
Keywords: ESR1; Migraine; PGR; haplotype analysis; hormone receptor genes.