Background: Symptomatic fusiform intracranial vertebral artery aneurysms pose a formidable treatment challenge when not amenable to endovascular treatment. In this paper, we illustrate the microsurgical management of such an aneurysm.
Methods: To prevent neurological deterioration, anatomical reconstruction preserving all vessels including posterior inferior cerebellar artery and perforators is essential. In this case illustration, the occipital artery was used as a donor to a perforator originating from the aneurysmal segment. This bypass was performed in an end-to-side fashion. Subsequently, the aneurysmal component of the vertebral artery was resected and an end-to-side (V4 to V3) bypass was performed using a radial artery graft.
Results: The patient achieved complete resection of the aneurysm preserving normal anatomy of the posterior circulation without any ischemic complications.
Conclusions: Complex cerebral artery bypass techniques are essential in the armamentarium of cerebrovascular for the treatment of complex lesions not amenable to endovascular therapy.