Aim: This study investigated how participation in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and physical fitness (PF) in adolescence (age 12-18) predict self-estimated physical fitness (SEF) in adulthood (age 37-43).
Methods: A 25-year longitudinal population-based sample was investigated in two assessment points. In 1976 physical fitness was measured by five field tests and self-reported weekly frequency of LTPA was obtained by questionnaire. The sum indices of PF and LTPA were calculated. In 2001 (N=1321) self-estimated fitness was estimated by the questionnaire and calculated the sum of self-estimated fitness index. After this subjects were divided into three categories according to their level of fitness and leisure-time physical activity in adolescence and self-estimated fitness in adulthood (high, average and low).
Results: LTPA and PF in adolescence correlated with SEF in adulthood among both males and females. In regression analyses, the odds ratio (OR) for a low fitness estimation as an adult for those who were very active in adolescence compared to those who were inactive in adolescence was 0.18 for both sexes. Among males the OR for low fitness estimation as an adult was 0.19 and females 0.14 in the highest compared to lowest fitness group in adolescence.
Conclusion: Results indicated that associations for self-estimated fitness from adolescence to adulthood were stronger in fitness than in leisure-time physical activity. The risk of adult low self-estimated fitness level was significantly lower for subjects who were physically very active or on the high fitness level in adolescence compared to persons on the low activity or low fitness level.