Introduction: Upside-down stomach usually is asymptomatic in adults, but sometimes it can cause regurgitation, vomiting, and weight loss. This condition has an incidence increasing with age thus increasing the risk of surgical intervention.
Case report: A 90-year-old man was admitted with dysphagia, postprandial regurgitation, and an 18 kg weight loss in the past year. Gastroscopy revealed a significantly dilated, cranky esophagus and an upside-down stomach. The diagnosis was confirmed by a barium swallow and computed tomography. The stomach was repositioned with a gastroscope using insufflation and an α-loop maneuver under fluoroscopic guidance. A percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube was then inserted to fix the stomach. The patient was discharged on the first postinterventional day. He gained 6 kg in the next 2 months.
Discussion: High-risk patients with upside-down stomach can be managed by endoscopic repositioning of the stomach and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy fixation. This is a useful alternative therapeutic intervention. There have been 14 similar cases being reported in the literature.