Malaria infection is known to cause severe hemolysis due to production of abnormal RBCs and enhanced RBC destruction through apoptosis. Infected RBC lysis exposes uninfected RBC to the large amount of pro-oxidant molecules such as methemoglobin. Methemoglobin (MetHb) exposure dose dependently makes RBCs susceptible to osmotic stress and causes hemolysis. MetHb mediated oxidative stress in RBC correlated well with osmotic fragility and hemolysis. Interestingly, a reactive oxygen species (ROS) spike at 15 min was responsible for the observed effects on RBC cells. Two natural antioxidants N-acetyl cysteine and mannitol protected the RBC from MetHb-mediated defects, which clearly indicated involvement of oxidative stress in the process. MetHb due to its pseudo-peroxidase activity produces ROS in the external microenvironment. Therefore, classical peroxidase inhibitors were tested to probe peroxidase activity mediated ROS production with defects in RBCs. Clotrimazole (CLT), which irreversibly inactivates the MetHb (CLT-MetHb) and abolishes peroxidase activity, did not produce significant ROS outside RBC and was inefficient to cause osmotic fragility and hemolysis. Hence, initiating a chain reaction, MetHb released from ruptured RBC produces significant ROS in the external microenvironment to make RBC membrane leaky and enhanced hemolysis. Together data presented in the current work explored the role of MetHb in accelerated humorless during malaria which could be responsible for severe outcomes of pathological disorders.
Keywords: Antioxidant; Hemolysis; Malaria; Methemoglobin; RBC; Reactive-oxygen species.