A quality improvement effort was undertaken in Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) residential treatment programs for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) across the United States. Qualitative interviews were conducted with over 250 directors, providers, and staff during site visits of 38 programs. The aims of this report are to describe clinical issues and distinctive challenges in working with veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan and approaches to addressing their needs. Providers indicated that the most commonly reported problems were: acute PTSD symptomatology; other complex mental health symptom presentations; broad readjustment problems; and difficulty with time demands of and readiness for intensive treatment. Additional concerns included working with active duty personnel and mixing different eras in therapy. Programmatic solutions address structure (e.g., blended versus era-specific therapy), content (e.g., physical activity), and adaptations (e.g., inclusion of family; shortened length of stay). Clinical implications for VA managers and policy makers as well as non-VA health care systems and individual health care providers are noted.