Evidence is available that pharmacological interference with the cholinergic system may disrupt behavior in experimental procedures designed to investigate learning and memory processes. Recently it has been suggested that the cholinergic system may be sexually dimorphic. The present experiment was designed to investigate whether or not manipulation of the cholinergic system differentially affected memory processes in both sexes. Male and female Wistar rats were exposed to a delayed nonmatching to position procedure and were challenged with increasing doses of scopolamine hydrobromide (a central and peripheral muscarinic receptor blocker) and scopolamine methyl bromide (which does not pass the blood-brain barrier). Response accuracy decreased in both sexes as the delay interval duration increased. Behavioral differences between saline-treated males and females were not observed. Response accuracy decreased dose-dependently after subjects were injected with scopolamine hydrobromide. Response accuracy also decreased after treatment with scopolamine methyl bromide, but to a smaller extent. Males showed less accurate responding after treatment with either drug than females. These results provide behavioral evidence for the hypothesis that cholinergic functioning may differ between the sexes.