Objectives: Determine whether self-efficacy independently predicted weight loss in a behavioral intervention and explore factors that influence the path between self-efficacy and weight change.
Design: Secondary analysis of the PREMIER trial, a randomized controlled trial testing effects of lifestyle interventions on blood pressure.
Setting: Four academic medical centers.
Participants: PREMIER recruited adults (n = 810) with pre-hypertension/stage 1 hypertension, not currently receiving medication. This analysis excluded participants in the control arm, resulting in n = 537.
Interventions: Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: advice only, established lifestyle recommendations, or established lifestyle recommendations plus Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension dietary pattern.
Main outcome measures: Self-efficacy (dietary self-efficacy [DSE], exercise self-efficacy [ESE]), dietary intake, fitness.
Analysis: Pearson correlations, 1-way analysis of variance, mediation analyses.
Results: Despite an overall decrease in DSE/ESE, change in DSE/ESE significantly predicted weight change at 6 (β = -.21, P < .01; β = -.19, P < .01, respectively) and 18 months (β = -.19, P < .01; β = -.35, P < .01). Change in percent calories from fat partially mediated the DSE/weight change relationship at 6 months. Change in fitness partially mediated the ESE/weight change relationship at 18 months.
Conclusions and implications: Changes in DSE/ESE were not associated with behavior change as hypothesized. Additional research is needed to identify mediators between self-efficacy and adoption of behaviors that influence weight loss.
Copyright © 2013 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.