Aim: This study analyzed clinical long-term outcomes after endoscopic therapy, including the incidence and treatment of relapse.
Methods: This study included 19 consecutive patients (12 male, 7 female, median age 54 years) with obstructive chronic pancreatitis who were admitted to the 2(nd) Medical Department of the Technical University of Munich. All patients presented severe chronic pancreatitis (stage III°) according to the Cambridge classification. The majority of the patients suffered intermittent pain attacks. 6 of 19 patients had strictures of the pancreatic duct; 13 of 19 patients had strictures and stones. The first endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERP) included an endoscopic sphincterotomy, dilatation of the pancreatic duct, and stent placement. The first control ERP was performed 4 wk after the initial intervention, and the subsequent control ERP was performed after 3 mo to re-evaluate the clinical and morphological conditions. Clinical follow-up was performed annually to document the course of pain and the management of relapse. The course of pain was assessed by a pain scale from 0 to 10. The date and choice of the therapeutic procedure were documented in case of relapse.
Results: Initial endoscopic intervention was successfully completed in 17 of 19 patients. All 17 patients reported partial or complete pain relief after endoscopic intervention. Endoscopic therapy failed in 2 patients. Both patients were excluded from further analysis. One failed patient underwent surgery, and the other patient was treated conservatively with pain medication. Seventeen of 19 patients were followed after the successful completion of endoscopic stent therapy. Three of 17 patients were lost to follow-up. One patient was not available for interviews after the 1(st) year of follow-up. Two patients died during the 3(rd) year of follow-up. In both patients chronic pancreatitis was excluded as the cause of death. One patient died of myocardial infarction, and one patient succumbed to pneumonia. All three patients were excluded from follow-up analysis. Follow-up was successfully completed in 14 of 17 patients. 4 patients at time point 3, 2 patients at time point 4, 3 patients at time point 5 and 2 patients at time point 6 and time point 7 used continuous pain medication after endoscopic therapy. No relapse occurred in 57% (8/14) of patients. All 8 patients exhibited significantly reduced or no pain complaints during the 5-year follow-up. Seven of 8 patients were completely pain free 5 years after endoscopic therapy. Only 1 patient reported continuous moderate pain. In contrast, 7 relapses occurred in 6 of the 14 patients. Two relapses were observed during the 1(st) year, 2 relapses occurred during the 2(nd) year, one relapse was observed during the 3(rd) year, one relapse occurred during the 4(th) year, and one relapse occurred during the 5(th) follow-up year. Four of these six patients received conservative treatment with endoscopic therapy or analgesics. Relapse was conservatively treated using repeated stent therapy in 2 patients. Analgesic treatment was successful in the other 2 patients.
Conclusion: 57% of patients exhibited long-term benefits after endoscopic therapy. Therefore, endoscopic therapy should be the treatment of choice in patients being inoperable or refusing surgical treatment.
Keywords: Chronic pancreatitis; Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; Pain; Pancreaticolithiasis; Stent therapy.