A 30-year-old patient, with diagnosis of seminoma (T1 Nx Mx) was treated radically with orchidectomy. In chest CT performed postoperatively numerous diffuse nodules were revealed in both lungs. Lesions were situated particularly in the upper and middle pulmonary zones. In order to verify the nature of pulmonary abnormalities videothoracoscopy of the right pleural cavity was performed with specimen collection. Histopathological examination excluded the possibility of cancer metastases to pulmonary parenchyma and revealed the presence of sarcoid-like granulomas. Coexistence of seminoma and diffuse sarcoid-like abnormalities is only sporadically described. Up till now it has not been unequivocally explained whether the pulmonary abnormalities develop in the course of idiopathic sarcoidosis or only reflect a sarcoid-like reaction to cancer antigens.