Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, exposure, and immunity among Asian American college students as a basis for evaluating HBV screening and vaccination policy.
Participants and methods: Self-identified Asian American college students aged 18 years or older were examined. Serological tests of HBV surface antigens, antibodies to HBV core antigens (anti-HBc), and antibodies to HBV surface antigens (anti-HBs) were used to determine HBV infection and immunization prevalence.
Results: Among US-born students (n = 66), none was infected with HBV, 68% (n = 45) had immunity from vaccination, and 1 student had evidence of past exposure to HBV. Among foreign-born students (n = 142), 4% (n = 5) had evidence of chronic HBV infection, 62% (n = 88) had immunity from vaccination, and 19% (n = 27) had results indicating past exposure to HBV. Asian American college students showed very little knowledge of HBV vaccination; 43% reported that they had received vaccination, whereas 50% did not know whether they had received it or not.
Conclusions: The prevalence of current and past HBV infection among foreign-born Asian American college students is significantly higher (p < .01), than US-born students. The lack of awareness of their HBV-infected status points out the importance of routine HBV screening of high-risk populations such as Asian students.