Lymphocyte and macrophage subpopulations and the stroma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in the nasal cavity of the rat were examined by application of immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical methods to cryostat sections. Nasal-associated lymphoid tissue was composed of a loose reticular network with lymphocytes and macrophages, covered by epithelium. The epithelium was infiltrated with B cells. T helper (W3/13-positive) and T suppressor/cytotoxic or large granular cells (OX8-positive), ED1-positive macrophages and Ia-positive cells. The B cell areas were populated by B cells, immunopositive for surface IgM or IgG. B cells with surface IgA or IgE were rare. Germinal centres were found infrequently. T helper cells were scattered throughout the B cell area. A few ED1-positive macrophages and ED5-positive follicular dendritic cells were observed. Strong Ia staining (mostly of B cells) was found in this area. The T cell areas contained T helper and T suppressor/cytotoxic cells in about equal amounts, and numerous ED1-positive macrophages. ED1 staining was also found in the subepithelial area. Numerous ED1-, ED2- and ED3-positive macrophages were found in the border between the lymphoid mass and the surrounding connective tissue. A few non-lymphoid cells showed weak acid phosphatase or non-specific esterase activity. The morphological observations suggest that nasal-associated lymphoid tissue plays an important role in the first contact with inhaled antigens.