Background: Hospital-based cancer registries (HBR) of Comprehensive cancer centers (CCC) named "Enquête permanente cancer (EPC)" could represent an important information source of data for a population-based cancer registry (PBR). The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the concordance between data from HBR of the CCC for regions of Bordeaux and South-Western France and data from PBR of the General cancer registry of Gironde and the completeness for the year 2005, in order to explore the possibility for immediate integration of data collected by the HBR in the database of the PBR and to reduce the systematic consultation of medical records for cancer cases notified by the HBR.
Methods: We estimated the proportion of concordant cases between the HBR and the PBR and the unweighted and weighted Cohen's Kappa coefficient for certain variables.
Results: Among 1151 cases notified by the HBR, 1095 (positive predictive value of HBR: 95%) were included in the PBR database. For these admissible cases, sex, birth date and place for residence postal code at diagnosis were concordant in more than 94%. Concordance of cancer incidence date was 50% but difference between two dates was lower than 1 month in 91% of cases. Concordance of cancer topography and morphology was respectively 72% and 78%. Cancer progression, estimated by TNM classification was concordant in 96% of cases. The Kappa coefficient was 0.95 for pT, and respectively 0.92 for pN and M.
Conclusion: Automatic data integration from the HBR database to the PBR database without consulting medical record will be possible in Gironde. But, topography and morphology will be systematically recoded using pathologist records. And, if cancer progression (coded by TNM classification) is missing in the HBR database, medical records will be consulted in order to complete this data in the PBR database.
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