History and admission findings: We report on a 58-year-old patient with weight loss, weakness and polyarthralgia. She reported of recurrent drops, painful joints and muscle weakness.
Investigations: The patient had swollen joints, clubbing and cachexia. The radiogram of the hands and feet showed a hypertrophic oseoarthropathy. In further investigations we found a tumor in the upper left lung. The histology findings showed a adenocarcinoma of the lung.
Diagnosis, treatment and course: The diagnosis of a secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (Pierre Marie-Bamberger syndrome) due to a adenocarcinoma of the lung was made. The patient refused a radiochemotherapy and decided to go on vacation. Further course is unknown.
Conclusions: Arthralgia is a common symptom for medical consultation. Pierre Marie-Bamberger syndrome is a rare cause of paraneoplastic arthritis. Notice that unspecific symptoms like weakness, weight loss and arthritis may result from paraneoplastic tumor disease.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.