Iron (Fe) homeostasis is essential for life and has been intensively investigated for dicots, while our knowledge for species in the Poaceae is fragmentary. This study presents the first proteome analysis (LC-MS/MS) of plasma membranes isolated from roots of 18-day old maize (Zea mays L.). Plants were grown under low and high Fe conditions in hydroponic culture. In total, 227 proteins were identified in control plants, whereas 204 proteins were identified in Fe deficient plants and 251 proteins in plants grown under high Fe conditions. Proteins were sorted by functional classes, and most of the identified proteins were classified as signaling proteins. A significant number of PM-bound redox proteins could be identified including quinone reductases, heme and copper-containing proteins. Most of these components were constitutive, and others could hint at an involvement of redox signaling and redox homeostasis by change in abundance. Energy metabolism and translation seem to be crucial in Fe homeostasis. The response to Fe deficiency includes proteins involved in development, whereas membrane remodeling and assembly and/or repair of Fe-S clusters is discussed for Fe toxicity. The general stress response appears to involve proteins related to oxidative stress, growth regulation, an increased rigidity and synthesis of cell walls and adaption of nutrient uptake and/or translocation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Plant Proteomics in Europe.
Keywords: 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid; ACS; AHA2; AIR12; Arabidopsis ATPase/hydrogen-exporting ATPase 2; BAK; BR; COXII; DIR; DREPP; EDTA; ER; FAD; FAS; FMN; GDPD; GFP; GPI; GPx; GTP; H(2)O(2); HEPES; HSP; Iron deficiency; Iron toxicity; LC–MS/MS; MAPK; MARK; MGF; MIP; NA; NPA; PIP; PM; PM0; PM100; PM500; PTM; Plasma membrane proteome; Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato interacting-like kinase; Pti1; ROS; Redox systems; S-adenosylmethionine; SAM; SAR1; Sec21; TIL; Temperature induced Lipocalin; YS1; Zea mays; acyl coenzyme a synthetase; auxin inducible in root cultures 12; brassinosteroid; brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase; cytochrome oxidase subunit II; developmental regulated plasma membrane protein; dirigent-like proteins; endoplasmatic reticulum; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; fasciclin; flavin adenine dinucleotide; flavin mononucleotide; gamma subunit, COP vesicles; glutathione peroxidase; glycerophosphodiester phospho-diesterase; glycosylphosphatidylinositol; green fluorescence protein; guanosine triphosphate; heat shock protein; hydrogen peroxide; liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; maize atypical receptor-like kinase; major intrinsic protein; mascot generic file; mitogen activated protein kinase; nicotianamine; nucleosome assembly protein; pI; plasma membrane; plasma membrane intrinsic protein; plasma membranes of control plants grown with 100μM iron; plasma membranes of plants grown with 500μM iron; plasma membranes of plants grown without iron; point isoelectric; posttranslational modifications; reactive oxygen species; secretion-associated and Ras-related protein 1; yellow stripe 1..
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