The present review devoted to the analysis of recent literature on genetic determination and the domain organization of the newly discovered two-component signaling systems in pro- and eukaryotes. These structures are involved in the regulation of numerous morphological and physiological processes in plants. RR-proteins, it the key elements of signaling systems, they launch a cascade of phosphotransferase reactions and directly or indirectly regulate the transcription and activity other proteins, including enzymes, in response to hormones or environmental factors. Modern views on the molecular and genetic mechanisms of photoperiodic response, circadian rhythms and anti-stress responses in plants are set out in these positions. The relationship between gene expression and photoreceptor sensitivity of plants to photoperiod traced. We present our own data obtained on the isogenic lines of wheat, where been showed dependence expression of structural genes of enzymes on the allelic composition of individual PRR-loci and the duration action of low temperature.