The use of sexed semen technology in buffaloes is nowadays becoming more and more accepted by farmers, to overcome the burden of unwanted male calves with related costs and to more efficiently improve production and genetic gain. The aim of this study was to verify the coupling of some variables on the efficiency of pregnancy outcome after deposition of sexed semen through AI. Pluriparous buffaloes from two different farms (N = 152) were screened, selected, and subjected to Ovsynch protocol for AI using nonsexed and sexed semen from four tested bulls. AI was performed in two distinct periods of the year: September to October and January to February. Neither farms nor bulls had a significant effect on pregnancy rates pooled from the two periods. The process for sexing sperm cells did not affect pregnancy rates at 28 days after AI, for nonsexed and sexed semen, respectively 44/73 (60.2%) and 50/79 (63.2%), P = 0.70, and at 45 days after AI, for nonsexed and sexed semen, respectively 33/73 (45.2%) and 33/79 (49.3%), P = 0.60. Pregnancy rate at 28 days after AI during the transitional period of January to February was higher when compared with September to October, respectively 47/67 (70.1%) versus 47/85 (55.2%), P = 0.06. When the same pregnant animals were checked at Day 45 after AI, the difference disappeared between the two periods, because of a higher embryonic mortality, respectively 32/67 (47.7%) versus 40/85 (47.0%), P = 0.93. Hematic progesterone concentration at Day 10 after AI did not distinguish animals pregnant at Day 28 that would or would not maintain pregnancy until Day 45 (P = 0.21). On the contrary, when blood samples were taken at Day 20 after AI, the difference in progesterone concentration between pregnant animals that would maintain their pregnancy until Day 45 was significant for both pooled (P = 0.00) and nonsexed (P = 0.00) and sexed semen (P = 0.09). A similar trend was reported when blood samples were taken at Day 25, being highly significant for pooled, nonsexed, and sexed semen (P = 0.00). Hematic progesterone concentration between the two periods of the year was highly significant for pregnant animals at 28 days from AI when blood samples were taken at Day 20 after AI for pooled, nonsexed, and sexed semen, respectively P = 0.00, 0.00, and 0.06, and for pregnant animals at Day 45 for pooled, nonsexed, and sexed semen, respectively P = 0.00, 0.00, and 0.01. From these results, it can be stated that hematic progesterone concentration measurement since Day 20 after AI can be predictive of possible pregnancy maintenance until Day 45. Furthermore, the transitional period of January to February, although characterized by a higher pregnancy outcome when compared with September to October, suffers from a higher late embryonic mortality as evidenced by a significant different hematic progesterone concentration between the two periods at Day 20 after AI.
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