Background & aims: Histological assessment of fibrosis progression is currently performed by staging systems which are not continuous quantitative measurements. We aimed at assessing a quantitative measurement of fibrosis collagen proportionate area (CPA), to evaluate fibrosis progression and compare it to Ishak stage progression.
Methods: We studied a consecutive cohort of 155 patients with recurrent HCV hepatitis after liver transplantation (LT), who had liver biopsies at one year and were subsequently evaluated for progression of fibrosis using CPA and Ishak staging, and correlated with clinical decompensation. The upper quartile of distribution of fibrosis rates (difference in CPA or Ishak stage between paired biopsies) defined fast fibrosers.
Results: Patients had 610 biopsies and a median follow-up of 116 (18-252) months. Decompensation occurred in 29 (18%) patients. Median Ishak stage progression rate was 0.42 units/year: (24 (15%) fast fibrosers). Median CPA fibrosis progression rate was 0.71%/year (36 (23%) fast fibrosers). Clinical decompensation was independently associated by Cox regression only with CPA (p=0.007), with AUROCs of 0.81 (95% CI 0.71-0.91) compared to 0.68 (95% CI 0.56-0.81) for Ishak stage. Fast fibrosis defined by CPA progression was independently associated with histological de novo hepatitis (OR: 3.77), older donor age (OR: 1.03) and non-use/discontinuation of azathioprine before 1 year post-LT (OR: 3.85), whereas when defined by Ishak progression, fast fibrosers was only associated with histological de novo hepatitis.
Conclusions: CPA fibrosis progression rate is a better predictor of clinical outcome than progression by Ishak stage. Histological de novo hepatitis, older donor age and non-use/discontinuation of azathioprine are associated with rapid fibrosis progression in recurrent HCV chronic hepatitis after liver transplantation.
Copyright © 2012 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.