In female guinea pigs, a combination of retrograde tracing and immunofluorescence for progesterone receptors (PR) was applied to determine if PR-immunoreactive (PR-IR) neurons in the arcuate nucleus (AR) send their axons directly to the median eminence (ME). Axonal projections to the ME were studied by different techniques using fluorescent dyes. From 31 adult animals, ovariectomized and primed by estradiol, small deposits of Lucifer Yellow (LY) were made on the cut surface of the ME, either by direct application of LY crystals or by iontophoresis. These techniques were carried out on excised mediobasal hypothalamus maintained in vitro and allowed visualization of AR perikarya projecting to the ME after dye diffusion in the severed axons. In another group of ten immature animals primed by estradiol, Granular Blue (GB) was injected in the jugular vein. Blood-borne GB was taken up in the ME by intact nerve endings and retrogradely transported to the perikarya of origin. PR-IR neurons and perikarya filled with LY or retrogradely labeled by GB were intermingled with each other throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the AR. Double-labeled cells, displaying PR immunoreactivity and dye labeling, were observed consistently, but their number was small. This result demonstrates that some AR neurons sending axonal projections to the ME are target cells for progesterone. As the majority of PR-IR neurons in the AR do not project to the ME, it is suggested that most PR-IR neurons present in this nucleus form local circuit projections or project to distant areas of the central nervous system.